In Leipzig and online: flute lessons in English


My name is Christine Müller, I am a professional flutist, orchestral musician and music teacher based in Leipzig.

As a freelance musician, I perform regularly with different symphony, opera or chamber orchestras throughout Germany and Europe.

In my lessons, I share my experience and passion for the flute and classical music with you – anybody is welcome, no matter what age, whether you are an absolute beginner or already experienced on the flute!

Flute lessons for beginners, intermediate and professionals

If you are new to music and don’t have your own flute yet, I can help you find the right instrument for you or your child and advise you on buying or renting a flute. For the first trial lesson, I have an instrument ready for you.
For really small children, I also offer lessons on the recorder, which is a wonderful way to start your musical education!

My focus in teaching is on enjoying the music as well as cultivating a healthy and body-aware way of playing the flute. I personalize each lesson so that it really fits the needs and wishes of my students.

My lessons are addressed to students of all ages and all levels – it is never too late to start learning an instrument, also for adults! If you are already advanced, I am happy to work on more complicated repertoire with you or help you prepare a concert, orchestra project or competition.
If you want to become a professional musician yourself, I can help you prepare for the audition in a „Musikhochschule“ (music conservatory).

Location of our lessons:

The flute lessons usually take place at my home in Leipzig-Stötteritz.
(You can take Tram 4 oder Bus 74 to „Rathaus Stötteritz“) Or, if you prefer, online via videocall.

Trial Lesson

45 min 45 €


Single Lessons/ Bundle of 10 lessons

60 min 90 €  single / 80 € bundle of 10 lessons
90 min 120,00 € single/ 110 € bundle of 10 lessons


Teaching Contract


  Monthly Fee
45 min / week 190 €
60 min / week 210 €


Lessons with teaching contract take place once per week (excluding holidays in Saxony).

Children and Teenagers
  Monthly Fee
45 min/ week   175 €
60 min/ week 190 €


Government Grant:

If you receive „Kinderzuschlag, Wohngeld, Arbeitslosengeld II“ or „Sozialgeld“ of SGB II, you can be supported with 10,- € per month via the program „Teilhabe am sozialen und kulturellen Leben für Kinder und Jugendliche“.

Take a trial lesson!

If you are interested in private flute lessons for yourself or your child, please don’t hesitate to contact me – in a first trial lesson, we can set your goals and expectations.